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Social Media Revolution

In the past, news organizations and other organizations printed information on paper and delivered it to people. People in the past society did not have the opportunity of deciding on what they wanted to hear or read. As a result, the media exercised high levels of prejudice in delivering information to the people as it decided on what to deliver or omit. Therefore, the society was not guaranteed of accessing true information (Qualman, 2010).With the increasing technology, people can now access information through numerous channels and do not have to rely on printed media. The contemporary society is able to access information through advanced technological gadgets and the social media like Facebook and twitter. People will prefer to get News on the social sites rather than the printed media. Social media allows people make choice on what they desire to read; moreover, social Medias allow people to comment on various issues in the community. Spread of information is fast and efficient in today’s world. YouTube, which offers information in video form, is the largest search engine. Video social media revolution is the change of passing information from the tedious traditional ways to the modern efficient ways using video social media (Qualman, 2010).


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The freedom of expression granted by the technological advances makes it possible for readers or listeners to distinguish the correct information from the false one. Social Medias as well as other news sites allow people to post any kind of information; as a result, false or defamatory information may be posted to know whether information is accurate, safe, or meaningful, a person should look on the source of information. Some sources are credible while others are incredible. People should only trust information from credible sources (Harper, 2010). On the contrary, the growth of social media has enhanced faster update on information and people do not have to wait for newspapers or news broadcast to get updated on new happenings. (Qualman, 2010).

Besides transfer of information, social media has enhanced faster and cheaper communications channels. Friends are able to connect on the social sites. Professionals, students, and teachers post many events on the social networks too. Communication of change in class venue, time or change in any event at school is through social media (Harper, 2010). The future of social media is bright. In future, social networks will invent functionalities such as video interviewing on the most current issues. Once there is a news update, people will be able to view real time interviewing of people on the issue (Harper, 2010).



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